When Will I hear From My Soldier?

Your soldier has left and you're wondering when you will hear from them. I can say that I was wondering the same thing from the moment we were apart. This will be different for everyone, and it really depends on when your soldier leaves or what we call their “ship date”. In my experience, ship dates are typically on a Monday. Unless Monday is a holiday.

Now, please remember that this is what my experience was like. K’s ship date was July 3rd and we all know what the next day would be...July 4th! Did I think I was going to hear from him? No. Did I know when I would hear from him? No. Did I almost pass out when I saw his name come across my phone? Yes. I heard from him the day after he left (this is because it was a holiday, and they didn’t have anyone working at the base). I like to think that I am lucky, but it was joyful and heart-breaking all at the same time. He told me he wasn’t sure when he would be calling again and to not get my hopes up that I would hear from him soon. I hate to say it, but that is what you need to do. Don’t get your hopes up. Now don’t get sad, they are required to have phone time but how much time is totally dependent on how the Drill Seargent's are feeling that day.

Now, how about some good news!? Phone time is typically on Sunday’s. Every Sunday, I made sure my phone was within arm's reach at all times (I always had it on me though because you never know). Throughout Basic Training, the amount of time we got was 30 minutes. There were a couple of times where we got 45 minutes, this was because K had referred someone to the Army, and they mentioned his name in their referral email. Once again, never get your hopes up for a long phone call. The time will always seem to go by extra fast on these phone calls. You will cherish this time more than anything. Take it all in and really listen to what your soldier has to say. Whether it’s how their week went, what they ate, or if they are struggling, remember to always be their supporter. Make sure they know you have their back and that they are capable of making it through this phase.

For tips on what to say, what not to say, or what I learned on how us, as supporters, should talk to our soldier during this time read my post –


When Can I Send a Letter?


The Phone Call I Wish I Had Been Ready For